What Are Some Common Arguments Against Veganism?
One of the most common ways that people attempt to defend their participation in animal exploitation is by presenting arguments against veganism. Common arguments against veganism generally fall into one of a few categories: health, moral/ethical, and environmental.
- Health-based arguments often state that plant-based diets are inadequate or unhealthy
- Environmental arguments revolve around claims that farming practices necessary for vegan diets require more resources than those needed for a meat-eating lifestyle
- Moral/ethical statements typically imply that animals do not feel pain or emotion in the same way as humans and therefore do not deserve the same respect.
While it’s easy to brush off these objections when you encounter them, it’s important to remember that these are actually anti-vegan arguments in favor of animal exploitation and this is something we should be trying to stop.
Further, internalizing concise and factually accurate responses can make it easier for you to explain why leading a vegan lifestyle is important and ethical.
“If Animals Can Eat Other Animals, I Can.” “Lions Consume Meat.”
The argument of “if animals are allowed to consume other animals, then I can too” is an oft-used one in the debates surrounding veganism. Lions and other animals may kill for survival, however, that does not mean that humans have to do the same.
Humans have the luxury of having access to nourishment from other sources without the need to take a life. In fact, evidence shows that people who plant-based diets tend to lead longer and healthier lives than meat-eaters.
It would be unfair then to compare what wild animals do with our own decisions as humans since we are able to make conscious choices based on the knowledge that animals may not possess.
This holds true even if you were comparing it to a criminal offense. This example highlights how absurd it would sound if someone were to defend their desires by claiming they were taking after what their counterparts in the animal kingdom did.
So why should it be any different when it comes to our food choices? Animals will always eat animal products due to necessity but we don’t have to follow suit.
“Our Forefathers Ate Meat.”
It may be true that our ancestors ate meat, but to use this as an argument for consuming it in the modern world is illogical. In today’s society, we have access to healthier plant-based alternatives at very affordable prices, which makes it much easier to maintain a vegan diet.
Furthermore, studies have shown that eating high quantities of meat can be detrimental to our health. Therefore, using the fact that our forefathers ate meat as a defense for consuming it now fails to take into account advances in knowledge and technology that provide us with even better dietary options.
Additionally, the potential long-term risk posed by the adverse effects of consuming large amounts of meat far outweighs any potential benefits derived from sticking to our ancestors’ diet.
“Humans Are At The Pinnacle Of The Food Chain.”
Humans are thought of as being at the pinnacle of the food chain, but what we don’t take into account is that this isn’t necessarily true when it comes to our farming practices.
It’s impossible to compare human agricultural activities with a natural food chain when we forcibly breed, enslave, mutilate, and slaughter animals solely for our wants and needs. Our actions cannot be compared to a natural food chain nor do they help maintain healthy ecosystems or populations of wild animals.
It’s important to remember that while humans are indeed one species on the food chain, what we do when it comes to agriculture doesn’t follow the same rules as the natural food chain – which is integral in maintaining a healthy balance in the environment.
“It’s All Part Of The Cycle Of Life.”
Some people like to argue against veganism by asserting that it’s all part of the cycle of life – that the way humans consume animal products is nothing compared to the natural food chain and the natural order of life. They might also bring up concepts such as ‘might makes right’, ‘survival of the fittest’, or ‘the circle of life’ in an attempt to legitimize their beliefs.
But while it might be true that animals kill each other in nature due to the laws of survival, human consumption of animal products isn’t the same, since humans have largely taken on the role of exploiter rather than predator.
Moreover, when an animal kills a human being, no one ever brings up these arguments just because it’s so obviously wrong.
“We Are Omnivores.”
It’s true that vegan diets can promote health and prevent a number of chronic diseases. Nevertheless, something our opponents may fail to acknowledge is the fact that humans are omnivores by nature.
We have been historically designed to eat a variety of foods, including meat, dairy, and eggs. Eating only plant products means we miss out on a wealth of nutrients that can only be found in animal sources.
Some also assert that ‘plant-based’ diets are healthier than any other alternative. While it has been proven that plant-based diets can be nutrition-packed and healthy, this should never be taken as an excuse to completely ignore animal-sourced foods from our diets.
Eating food from all sources provides the most balanced nutrition for our bodies and contributes to optimal bodily functioning.
“It’s Natural To Eat Animals.”
The argument that “it’s natural to eat animals” is a common one used to justify the consumption of animal products. While it may be true that other animals do consume the flesh of other species in nature.
It is important to remember that we, as humans, have the capacity for moral reasoning. Thus it is our obligation to use our reason and discern what is right or wrong.
Simply because something appears “natural” does not make it right. If this were true, then killing and eating one’s own young would also seem permissible.
Yet most of us would agree that this would be an immoral act. The fact that certain actions appear “natural” should not be taken as an indication of morality.
“Eating Animals Is Required.”
“Eating Animals Is Required” is a common argument against veganism, which simply isn’t true. While it’s true that some people may require some animal products for full nutrition, most nutrients can be found in far greater quality and abundance in plant-based foods without the dangerous baggage of saturated fat, hormones, and cholesterol.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has backed up this claim by stating that vegan diets are healthy for all stages of life from birth to old age, and even for athletes.
This means that if you make sure to incorporate all essential vitamins and minerals into your diet with a variety of healthy plant-based foods like legumes, grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and veggies – you won’t need to eat animals.
“It Is Legal To Consume Animal Products; There Are Laws In Place To Protect Animals.”
It is true that it is legal to consume animal products, and there are laws in place to protect animals from exploitation and provide standards of care. However, this does not excuse the fact that we are taking the lives of sentient beings for our own gain. Just because something is allowable in law does not really mean that it is moral.
There has been an increased recognition in recent years of how unethical it is to exploit animals by consuming their products and using them for labor or entertainment purposes – yet these things remain legal in many parts of the world.
While society’s view on this issue will continue to evolve, we must consider whether or not our current practices are justifiable or if they need reform. We owe it to animals – who rely on us to do right by them – to make ethical changes that promote their welfare and well-being both now and into the future.
“Most People Consume Meat.”
It’s a fact that most people consume meat. Whether they’re aware of arguments against veganism or not, it’s a difficult habit to break after years of consuming animal products. However, just because something is popular doesn’t necessarily make it right
As evidenced by issues such as slavery and women’s suffrage in the past. Those issues need to be brought to the public consciousness in order for there to be a change in opinion and acceptance.
This still holds true today, and when it comes to making people aware of the arguments against veganism, those who believe in them must fight to bring this perspective into the public eye for real change to happen.
“Eating Meat Aided Our Evolution.”
It has been suggested that eating meat may have aided in the evolution of our species. While this may have been true hundreds of thousands of years ago, it does not necessarily make eating animals today a morally sound decision. Today, the world is very different than it was back then and there are many more options available for acquiring nutrition.
Further evidence that meat may not be essential to human evolution comes from scientific research indicating that cooking food might be the factor that made human brains evolve.
This hypothesis suggests that cooking allowed us to gain more energy from consuming smaller amounts of food, such as root vegetables or potatoes while allowing us to save energy by not needing to chew as much.
“It’s A Personal Preference.”
Many people argue that veganism is simply a matter of personal preference and choice. They suggest that no one should be judged for the food choices they make, as it is ultimately their personal decision.
This, however, ignores the fact that when someone chooses to consume animal products, an innocent victim is involved – an animal who had no choice in the matter and can be subjected to harm and exploitation against their will.
Eating animals should never be seen as a “trivial pleasure”. Animals are living beings with feelings and needs. they are not ours to use as we please or consume without consideration.
Veganism may be a personal choice, but it’s also an ethical decision that takes into account the welfare of animals and respects their right to live freely.
“Eating Meat Is Good For You.”
Many people argue that eating meat is beneficial for health, but the reality is far from the truth. Despite popular belief, there are no essential nutrients within animal products that can’t be found in higher quality from plant-based sources.
Plus, animal foods come loaded with saturated fat, hormones, and cholesterol – all of which can dramatically increase the risk of developing certain diseases and conditions.
At the same time, killing animals against their will for human consumption is highly immoral – regardless of whether it’s “good for you” or not. Eating a nutritious varied diet without animal products is entirely possible and it’s important to acknowledge that veganism isn’t just an ethical decision – it has clear optimal health benefits too.
“Animals Have No Concept Of Morality.”
Some people might argue that animals have no concept of morality, but this is not true. Animals are capable of feeling pain, pleasure, and joy, which means they do possess an understanding of right and wrong. This can be seen in their behaviors when interacting with other members of their species or with humans.
For example, many wild animals display acts of compassion and altruism by caring for injured members or babies. They also respond to bad behavior negatively, recognizing the consequences it may bring on them.
In addition to this, studies have shown that species such as chimpanzees and rats possess a moral code in their communities and understand the importance of being fair or being prepared to compromise instead of retaliating when faced with conflict.
“In The Wild, Farm Animals Would Be Killed.”
A primary argument against veganism is that if farm animals weren’t being bred and killed for food, they would instead be killed in the wild by other predators.
However, vegans counter this argument by stressing that animals for food don’t need to be bred at all; instead of releasing them into the wild, where they would most likely be killed by other animals, their populations should simply not be increased any further.
This way, the eating animals can live out their lives with fewer stressors and minimal risk of death or suffering. Furthermore, those opposed to veganism suggest that this would create additional problems but vegans ignore these suggestions, seeing no reason why it has to end this way when there are vegan alternatives available.
“Farmed Animals Are Bred To Be Slaughtered.”
The argument against veganism is that farmed animals are bred to be slaughtered. To put it simply, life is not meant to be a continuous cycle of suffering. The reality is that animals bred for farming do not always get humane treatment and are treated as if they were nothing more than commodities, with no regard for their feelings or well-being.
This means they may never experience the joy of a loving family or home, having been born solely to live in captivity or end up on someone’s dinner plate.
We have a responsibility to protect those who cannot protect themselves from mistreatment and abuse, and these innocent creatures deserve better than a life filled with anguish and fear.
So instead of allowing them to suffer for the sake of our own needs, let us pledge to treat them with the respect and care that they deserve.
“If We Stopped Breeding Farm Animals, They Would Become Extinct.”
It’s undeniable that if one thing were done – convince everyone to become vegan – it would ultimately result in the extinction of today’s livestock animals. These animals into existence have been selectively bred and modified over time to be bigger than normal, which unfortunately causes them significant health problems due to their size.
However, not all hope is lost for these animals. We can still prevent the immediate extinction of these creatures by preserving them in animal sanctuaries where they can live out their days peacefully.
Plus, a world with fewer animal agricultural activities could actually help protect ecosystems and allow those still living in the wild to flourish.
“Farmed Animals Would Overpopulate If Everyone Went Vegan.”
For those who argue against veganism, one common concern is that if every person stopped eating conventional animal products, there would be too many farmed animals. After all, since we rely on animals to meet the demand for food, an increase in supply would occur if more people adopted a plant-based diet.
However, this argument overlooks the fact that no one is suggesting everyone turn vegan overnight; it would undoubtedly happen gradually over time. This means that as more people go vegan, the demand for animal meat decreases and so does the supply.
In this way, veganism doesn’t lead to too many farmed animals being created, but rather reduces the amount of animal suffering by decreasing the demand for their products.
“The Animals I Eat Are Already Dead.”
The animals we consume are already dead. While it’s true that veganism is about decreasing the demand for animal products, there is still a demand for these products and that has led to the slaughter of many animals in order to meet those demands.
Therefore, if you buy the dead animal flesh, no matter how guilt-free you may feel, you’re still paying for more slaughter and continuing to contribute to the problem rather than solving it.
Rather than buying an animal product with the knowledge that it will lead to more animal deaths in the future, try cutting down on your consumption of animal products or replacing them entirely with plant-based alternatives to animal products so that fewer animals will be killed due to human demands in the future.
“Humans Outnumber Animals.”
One of the most commonly used arguments against veganism is that humans outnumber animals, and therefore we have a right to use them for our purposes. But it’s important to consider the logic behind this argument.
Not all humans are superior to all animals in terms of intelligence or even speed or strength. And furthermore, just because one group may be considered “superior” doesn’t mean they have the right to abuse those who are deemed “inferior”.
“If They Could, Animals Would Eat You.”
Many people argue against veganism by saying that, if given the chance, animals would eat us but this just isn’t true! Take cows, goats, and sheep =for example – these are all herbivorous animals. Even those who might consider a human as a potential food source can’t be used as an argument.
To suggest that our morality should be based on the desires of animals without our capacity to reason is completely ridiculous. It’s also not true that being vegan results in killing animals anyway; there are lots of meat-free ways to source one’s food that do no harm to any living creature. So go ahead and make the choice to live cruelty-free.
“I Eat/use Every Part Of The Animal So That Nothing Goes To Waste.”
Those who argue against veganism often bring up the claim that they eat or use every part of the animal so that nothing goes to waste. While this argument may seem logically sound, it ignores the fact that killing an animal for food is always immoral and unnecessary, regardless of what you do with its remains.
Using Jeffrey Dahmer as an absurd example, one cannot make a case for a shorter sentence for him because he used nearly all parts of his victims’ bodies. Eating some parts and using other parts to create household items does not make killing those victims any better.
The same can be said when it comes to hunting animals: consuming or using them after killing them will not take away the immorality of their death.
“I Only Buy Meat That Is Locally Grown, Free-range, And Organic.”
While some may argue that it is only ethical to purchase meat that has been locally grown, free-range, and organic, this argument fails to recognize the immorality of taking a dumb animal’s life.
No matter how they are raised or where they come from, animals have a preference to live and their lives should not be taken unnecessarily for food when there are other plant-based nutritional sources available.
“There Is No Animal Cruelty In The Egg Industry.”
Despite what many people believe, there is no animal cruelty in the egg industry. This is because all eggs used in the production of eggs come from chickens that are well cared for and treated humanely.
The females are allowed to lay eggs without having to endure any invasive procedures such as de-beaking or unnatural genetic manipulation. The farmers provide a healthy and safe environment for their chickens which results in them laying 20-300 eggs a year, depending on the farm.
“The Dairy Industry Is Not Cruel To Animals.”
The dairy industry does not have to be cruel to animals and it is possible to produce dairy without exploiting cows. While the typical dairy industry may involve taking calves away from their mothers, this is not a requirement for all farmers.
Some farmers instead allow calf and cow to stay together until the calf can sustain itself and ultimately milk production does not have to require the insemination of cows.
Furthermore, when a cow’s productive life ends, some farms use their milk-producing cows for beef consumption or other forms of food consumption, rather than simply discarding them after they are no longer profitable.
This means that the life of the cow still has a purpose at the end of its milking career so that no part of it goes unused.
“Veganism Would Cause People To Lose Their Jobs.”
The argument that veganism would cause people to lose their jobs is a common one, but it’s not accurate. It overlooks the fact that industries are constantly changing and companies come and go.
Moreover, with the increasing demand for plant-based foods such as rice, oats, and soy, new job opportunities have been created in those industries which are better for both animals and the environment.
Additionally, more farmers are switching from producing a combination of animal products to producing plant-based milk, creating even more employment opportunities.
“The Animals Are Slaughtered In A Humane Manner.”
The notion that billions of animals can be slaughtered in a humane manner is often touted as an argument against veganism, but it simply doesn’t hold true. Yes, it is possible to kill carnivorous animals quickly and without inflicting pain, but that’s not the point.
The act of taking the life of another sentient being for no other purpose than to satisfy our own needs is inherently immoral, no matter how it is done.
“Being Vegan Is Pointless Because You Can’t Live Completely Cruelty-free.”
The argument that being vegan is pointless because you can’t live completely cruelty-free is incorrect. While it is true that some animal suffering can be attributed to industries such as egg, dairy, meat, honey, and so on.
Boycotting these industries is still the most effective solution for reducing animal exploitation quickly and practically. After these industries die out, secondary markets and other by-products that depend on them will necessarily have to find different sources from which to draw their resources.
“You Take Drugs That Have Been Tested On Animals.”
There is a huge argument against veganism that many people use: you take drugs that have been tested on animals in order to stay healthy. While this may be true for many countries like Europe, Australia, the UK, US, it doesn’t change the definition of veganism, which is to reduce animal exploitation as much as possible and practicable.
So while some vegans choose not to use any medicine that has been tested on complex animals, they don’t have many options in terms of practical medicines available. This is entirely different from choosing to eat meat, eggs, or dairy out of convenience when there are countless other options readily available in the same supermarket.
“The Entire World Will Never Become Vegan.”
Some people may feel that it is impossible for the entire world to become vegan, but it doesn’t mean that we should accept this as an excuse to continue eating non-vegan foods.
While many of us will never live in a world where everyone is entirely vegan, that doesn’t mean that we should give up striving to reduce animal suffering and make positive changes by opting for veganism as much as possible.
“Not Everyone Can Live A Vegan Lifestyle.”
It’s true that not everyone can live a vegan lifestyle. While it may be possible for some of us to make cruelty-free choices, there are others who cannot do so.
Such individuals may have medical conditions preventing them from going vegan, such as those with kidney stones or lactose intolerance, or those with diseases that necessitate animal-derived nutrition.
“Plants Experience Pain.”
The debate on whether plants experience pain is one that has been going on for some time. While some may argue that they do, many scientists agree that plants lack the sentience and capacity to feel pain as animals do.
Plants may appear intelligent and can show signs of responding to certain stimuli such as moving towards the sun, but they don’t possess an evolutionary purpose or have a brain or central nervous system to process any feelings of pain.
“Animals Are Killed During Crop Harvesting.”
It is true that, unfortunately, some animals are killed during crop harvesting. When viewed from a larger perspective, though, it is actually an argument for veganism rather than against it.
When you consider that more than 50 billion land animals are being raised for food each year when only 7 billion humans need to be fed, it’s clear that eating vegan is the least harmful option and the most compassionate choice.
Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
On my blog you'll find info & cool facts along with recipes, all on gluten free foods!