Should Almond Milk Be Refrigerated?

Almond milk isn’t just a beverage. It’s a food product that can be used in a variety of dishes. It makes sense to store almond milk in the refrigerator since it tends to spoil quickly if not stored properly. You should keep almond milk in the freezer to keep it safe until finished.
For starters, sometimes people purchase almond milk thinking that they’ll consume it right away. They assume that once they open the container, it will last forever.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. Almond milk spoils quickly when exposed to air, light, heat, etc. Most brands recommend storing almond milk in the freezer, so it won’t spoil so fast.
Another reason to keep your almond milk chilled comes from the nutritional benefits that it offers. Some people believe that freezing eliminates those health benefits.
While that might be true for certain vitamins, protein levels, and minerals, it’s not true for others. One study found that frozen almond milk still contained similar levels of calcium, magnesium, and iron as fresh almond milk.
Even though it was frozen, it still had the same nutritional value as fresh almond milk. So, if you prefer to drink almond milk straight out of the fridge, you won’t lose any nutritional benefits by doing so.
Refrigerated Almond Milk Vs. Shelf-stable Almond Milk
Before we dive into whether or not almond milk needs to be refrigerated, let’s start with the basics. What is almond milk anyway? Simply put, almond milk is made from almonds, water, and sometimes a stabilizer.
There are two main types of nut milk available now: refrigerated and shelf-stable. Shelf-stabilized almond milk is usually sold in small containers on supermarket grocery aisle display racks and they often come in clear plastic bags of different sizes.
There are pros and cons to both options. First, let’s talk about the benefits of refrigerated almond milk. One of the biggest advantages of refrigerated almond milk is its long shelf life.
You can buy refrigerated almond milk year-round, whereas shelf-stable almond milk only stays fresh for 9 months. However, if you prefer milk that has a longer shelf life, then shelf-stable almond milk may be the choice for you.
Shelf-stable almond mils come in several flavors including vanilla bean, chocolate chip cookie dough, and strawberry cheesecake. These almond milk are packaged in glass bottles and keep well without being refrigerated.
A disadvantage of shelf-stable almond milk is that the flavor tends to change after 6 months. Although the taste changes, the nutritional value remains the same. Another downside is that shelf-stable almond milk tends to cost less than refrigerated almond unopened milk.
Now let’s move on to refrigerated almond milk. Refrigerated almond milk comes in several varieties including plain, vanilla bean, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter banana, and cinnamon roll.
While refrigerated almond milk does last longer than shelf-stables, they don’t last quite as long as regular milk. Generally speaking, refrigerated varieties of almond milk should stay fresh for 3-6 months depending on where you purchase them.
Does Almond Milk Go Bad?

After testing three different brands of almond milk, we found that the most flavorful stock of almond milk was the worst option if you were planning to store it in your refrigerator for several weeks.
The flavor changed after only two weeks, and the texture became grainy and watery. A longer shelf life isn’t necessarily a positive thing. It means that your almond milk might not last very long at all.
That being said, there are still plenty of great options available. Simply look for high-quality products that come in large sizes.
You’ll notice that some big box stores sell types of almond milk in large tubs that can last for months. That’s the way to go if you plan on storing types of almond milk in your refrigerator for a long time.
Keep in mind that homemade milk doesn’t typically require refrigeration. There are exceptions, however. You should avoid drinking raw hazelnut milk alternatives because pathogenic bacteria grow quickly in warm temperatures.
Also, fresh cheese tends to become spoiled more easily because its fat is solid at room temperature. So keep those in mind.
Just place a portion of it in a freezer bag and pop it in the freezer. Once frozen, you can remove individual servings by simply thawing them in the microwave.
How Can You Tell If Your Almond Milk Is Bad?
As mentioned above, almond milk should never smell bad or look or feel slimy. If it smells at all, it may be spoiled almond milk. According to Dr. Laidler, almonds themselves do not spoil, but spoilage bacteria can still grow and cause mold. So if you notice any of the above signs, toss it and buy new preferred almond milk for cooking.
You can also tell if your almond milk is spoiled by checking its expiration use-by date. Just make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that expiration use-by date, especially if you plan on using it right away.
After you’ve checked to make sure that your almond milk hasn’t expired, it’s time to start tasting it. If it tastes bad, throw it out. If it doesn’t sour taste, it’s safe to drink.
What Happens If Almond Milk Is Spoiled?

Don’t let your almond milk spoil. You can prevent this from happening by keeping it refrigerated. Even though almond milk tastes great warm, it’s not recommended to drink it straight out of the container. Instead, pour it into a glass and enjoy it cold.
Almond milk comes in cartons and bottles. Both types require special handling. Cartons must be stored upright and opened just before pouring. Bottles usually come with a lid that needs to be removed before pouring.
Both types of containers are susceptible to mold growing inside them. Therefore, it’s important to keep them clean and dry. Never leave open containers sitting around for long reasonable periods.
Also, make sure to rinse off any residue that may have built up on the outside of the container. Mold grows best at room temperature fluctuation, so storing them in the fridge won’t kill it. It promotes its growth.
Store your sorts of almond milk in the refrigerator whenever possible. Doing this prevents the growth of mold. If you do decide to keep it on the kitchen counter, make sure to wipe down the container regularly.
Keep the nuttiness of almond milk safe by washing it well after every use. Then, make sure to discard the container once you’re done with it.
Make sure to never leave open containers sitting around in case the mold starts to grow. Maintaining proper hygiene can help prevent the growth of mold and keep your packages of almond milk fresh and tasty.
How Long Does Almond Milk Last?

Almond milk is one food item that should be kept refrigerated at all times. Just like any other dairy product, it should be stored in the fridge.
However, if you buy a carton of almond milk packaging and don’t plan on using it right away, you might not have to worry about keeping it cold. You can leave it out for about a week without worrying about spoiling it; after that, though, you’ll start seeing some nutrient loss.
What’s interesting is that the longer you wait before opening the container, the less likely it is that you’ll notice any noticeable changes in the nutrition profile of freezing almond milk. If you do decide to open the container sooner rather than later, remember this rule: the longer you wait to consume the almond milk, the worse it tastes.
Keep in mind that almond milk isn’t meant to be consumed straight from the carton. Consuming almond milk straight from the carton makes it impossible to fully enjoy the benefits of almond milk. Instead, stir it into smoothies or oatmeal, blend it into yogurt, or pour it over cereal.
After Opening
Almond milk keeps very well. It can even be stored for up to 7-10 days if you keep it properly. Because it’s made with almonds, it’s high in fiber.
When buying almond milk, look for brands that are organic or non-GMO certified. Also, look for brands that don’t contain any artificial flavors or preservatives.
You can buy almond milk in cartons or glass bottles. Either way, almond milk looks white. It typically comes in a small container of almond milk that holds six ounces.
However, you can also find larger sizes that hold 12 ounces. Regardless of its packaging, unopened almond milk always contains three ingredients: almonds, water, and sweeteners. Read on for a detailed explanation of each ingredient.
• ALMONDS: These are the main ingredient in almond milk. They provide the bulk of the nutrition in almond milk.
• WATER: Water provides moisture to the almond milk.
• SWEETENERS: Sweeteners add sweetness and flavor to the almond milk. They include honey, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, maple syrup, molasses, and stevia.
Expiration Date
If your almond milk expired, you probably didn’t realize it at first. You may think that it was fine because it looks fine and smells fine. But after a certain point, it becomes unappealing. And if it starts getting moldy, then throw it away.
There’s no scientific evidence proving that a shelf-stable variety of almond milk goes bad faster than the regular life of almond milk. But most experts suggest tossing it if it’s past its expiry date and you see the signs of spoilage.
Regardless of whether you buy shelf-stable almond milk or a regular type of stable almond milk carton, you must keep it in the refrigerator once you open it.
Store your almond type of milk in the fridge and enjoy it within four weeks.
How Long Can Almond Milk Be Stored?

We found that almond milk can last anywhere from 2 months to 3 years. However, if you buy yours at Costco, you might be able to stretch it a little bit longer. That said, most stores sell almond milk in 1-gallon containers, meaning that you’ll only get a couple of days worth of almond milk after opening it.
If you plan to drink it right away, it probably won’t last very long. However, you can refrigerate it for up to two weeks without any issues. After that, you may notice that the texture changes slightly – depending on the brand you bought, you may end up with some chunks floating in your almond milk.
You can also freeze almond milk for up to six months. Just remember that the nutritional value decreases significantly when frozen. So, unless you’re planning on drinking the whole almond milk container in one sitting, freezing isn’t recommended.
Whatever you decide to do, keep in mind that you shouldn’t leave your almond milk open indefinitely. Once opened, almond milk loses its nutritional benefits, and levels of bacteria start to grow. That means that once you open it, there’s no turning back.
That being said, you can still enjoy your almond milk even though it’s been opened. Just be mindful of the expiration date, especially if you’ve stored it for several months.
How Should Almond Milk Be Stored?
Almond milk should be stored in the refrigerator. You should never leave it exposed to light or heat; otherwise, it may spoil.
Almonds are extremely nutritious, but they shouldn’t be eaten straight out of the shell because they contain high amounts of fat and calories. Instead, store them in airtight containers in your refrigerator until needed.
Avoid storing them in direct sunlight or leaving any uncovered bottles exposed to heat sources, because that might cause them to spoil. Try drinking homemade almond milk through a glass instead of directly from the carton. That way, you won’t waste any delicious milk.
Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
On my blog you'll find info & cool facts along with recipes, all on gluten free foods!