Do Sesame Seeds Have Health Benefits? – Our Guide!
If you are trying to add more seeds to your diet due to their potential health benefits, you might be curious if sesame seeds have any nutritional benefits apart from being a tasty addition to Asian dishes.

Sesame seeds are very good for you, they are an excellent source of dietary fiber, can lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure and are full of antioxidants which can help to fight off chronic diseases.
In our guide below, we will take you through how many sesame seeds you can eat each day, the benefits of eating these nutrient-rich seeds, how to eat them, and some negatives and alternative seeds.
Ever wonder Where Do Sesame Seeds Come From? Then this is for you!
What Is The Nutritional Content Of Sesame Seeds?
Sesame seeds are full of great nutritional content but are also very high in fat so should be eaten in moderation. We’ve listed the nutritional content of these seeds below for a quarter-cup serving.
- 8 grams of carbs.
- 4 milligrams of salt.
- 18 grams of fat.
- 6 grams of protein.
- 206 calories.
- 4 grams of fiber.
How Much Sesame Seeds Should I Eat Per Day?
Sesame seeds are nutrient-rich seeds, but to get the health effects of sesame seeds, how many do we have to eat per day and how often?
To absorb the most antioxidant properties we would suggest eating around one tablespoon of sesame seeds daily, raw or toasted, to get the most health benefits from these seeds it’s important to be consistent when eating them.
Black Vs White Sesame Seeds – Which Type Of Seed Is Better?
When looking at sesame seeds in your diet, you might come across both black and white sesame seeds and wonder which type is better for you.
Black and white sesame seeds are similar in having heart-healthy fiber, black sesame seeds tend to be stronger and more crunchy, and they are also richer in antioxidants and lignans as well as calcium and magnesium, making them a better choice in terms of nutritional benefits.
Top Benefits Of Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are one of the best types of seeds you can include in your diet if you want to get more grams of fiber per day, but that’s not the only benefit of these seeds.
We’ve listed some more advantages to adding sesame seeds to your diet down below.
It Can Support Heart Health
Sesame seeds are a great source of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats which can contribute to good heart health. As long as these seeds are consumed as a single serving in moderation they can lower cholesterol in the blood, therefore, reducing the risk of heart disease.
They Are Full Of Anti-Oxidants
As we mentioned above, sesame seeds are a rich source of antioxidants and are high in lignans which can fight oxidative stress and many diseases such as coronary heart disease or bone disease.
High In Fiber
Just three tablespoons of sesame seeds can provide up to 3.5 grams of fiber, making them great if you’re looking to boost your average fiber intake. Apart from having heart-healthy fiber the seeds can also support your general digestive health.
Can Manage Diabetes
Thanks to sesame seeds being high in protein and fat but low in carbs they can help to regulate your blood sugar and make it more stable, which is great news for people who suffer from diabetes.
May Lower Blood Pressure
The lignans, vitamin E and magnesium inside of sesame seeds can all be great for lowering your blood pressure and reducing the build of plaque inside of your arteries.
Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Eating more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats compared to saturated fats can be great for lowering your cholesterol levels, the two plant compounds called lignans and phytosterols are also great for lowering high cholesterol levels when taken daily.
Source Of B Vitamins
Hulled and unhulled sesame seeds are a good source of vitamin B for metabolism and cell regeneration, unhulled sesame seeds do contain more B vitamins than hulled options.
Helps With Healthy Bones
By soaking, roasting or sprouting sesame seeds you can help preserve the healthy minerals inside of sesame seeds like calcium which is excellent for bone health, three tablespoons of these seeds can boost; calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc.
Can I Use Sesame Seeds For Seed Cycling?
Apart from the lignans in sesame seeds being great for general health, they are also good for hormonal health and are often used in a term called seed cycling.
Seed cycling is where women consume different types of seeds during their cycle in order to help balance their hormones.
During the first half, pumpkin and flax seeds are used for balancing estrogen and in the second half sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are consumed to help boost progesterone production.
How To Eat Sesame Seeds
Now we know all the benefits of consuming sesame seeds, you might be wondering how to consume them in your diet, can you eat them raw or do they have to be roasted?
- Raw – Sesame seeds can be consumed raw, sprinkled on salads or smoothies.
- Used in tahini – Sesame seeds can be ground and used to make tahini for hummus as a quick snack.
- Put it in baked goods – Whether you’re sprinkling them on baked goods like bagels or burger buns and breadsticks, sesame seeds can add great flavour to baked goods.
Are There Any Negatives To Sesame Seeds?
Sesame seeds are very beneficial to your health, but are there any negatives to having these seeds in your diet?
- They can lower blood sugar and blood pressure – Since sesame seeds can help to control and lower blood sugar and blood pressure, they should be consumed within moderation otherwise they can cause your levels to drop too low.
- Can be part of a common food allergy – A lot of people can be allergic to raw and roasted sesame seeds, therefore make sure you are checking with your doctor before consuming if you suffer from other seed allergies.
- Could cause digestive issues – Sesame seeds are very high in fibre, when consumed in excess it can cause bloating and digestive problems, therefore make sure you’re consuming them in moderation.
Other Beneficial Seeds To Include In Your Diet
Raw sesame seeds and toasted sesame seeds are super nutritious and beneficial to add into your diet but so are other seed types.
If you are looking to boost your nutritional intake easily, these seeds below are perfect for sprinkling on sandwiches and foods.
Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber and have lots of omega-3 fatty acids in them like flax seeds. They are full of antioxidant polyphenols and can also be used to lower blood sugar and reduce the chances of getting heart disease.
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are very high in protein and amino acids, they are anti-inflammatory thanks to being high in omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids. This can help them fight issues such as eczema.
Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, they are high in antioxidants and can be used to lower bad LDL cholesterol. When consumed ground they can also be used to balance hormones, lower blood sugar and lower the risk of heart disease.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E, protein, and monounsaturated fats and are perfect for helping to control inflammation and cholesterol levels. It should be noted that sunflower seeds can also lower good cholesterol, however.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are a strong source of omega-6 fats, phosphorus and monounsaturated fats, they can lower cholesterol and are also used to help lower the risk of getting bladder stones.
We made a list for you for Substitute For Sesame Seeds. Find out here!
Frequently Asked Questions About The Benefits Of Sesame Seeds
What’s more nutritionally beneficial, hulled sesame seeds or unhulled sesame seeds?
Unhulled sesame seeds tend to be higher in minerals like calcium and other minerals, making them the better choice if you are looking to get more nutrients out of the seed.
How many tablespoons of sesame seeds can I have each day?
It’s recommended to have one tablespoon of sesame seeds per day, these seeds should be eaten in moderation otherwise they can cause digestive issues.
How do I store healthy sesame seeds?
Sesame seeds should always be stored in an airtight container when opened, refrigerating can help these seeds last longer for around six months, or three months when stored in a cool cupboard.
How do you use sesame seeds in a blend of tahini paste?
Sesame seeds can be used in tahini paste by blending them with sesame oil, salt and water to create hummus.
Are sesame seeds a source of vitamin B6?
Yes, sesame seeds are high in vitamin B6 which is great for your metabolism and bodily functions.
Which type of medication do sesame seeds interact with?
You should be careful if you are consuming sesame seeds with medication for blood sugar and blood pressure since sesame seeds can lower both of these too dangerous levels.
How many grams of protein do sesame seeds have?
Sesame seeds are a source of protein, with a quarter cup serving to have up to 6 grams of protein.
Last Words
Overall, sesame seeds, raw, toasted or sesame oil have lots of nutritional benefits for the body since they are full of antioxidants which can help fight oxidative stress and prevent disease.

Unhulled sesame seeds in particular are high in minerals like magnesium which is great for lowering blood pressure, helping heart health and keeping your bones healthy.
Ever wondered if Sesame Oil Gluten Free? Check it here.
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