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How To Grow Catnip From A Seed?

How To Grow Catnip From A Seed?

How To Grow Catnip From Seed?

How To Grow Catnip From Seed?

Catnip is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Europe and Asia. Its leaves are used to flavor alcoholic drinks and its flowers are used to produce essential oils. You can grow catnip from seeds if you live somewhere where it grows naturally.

Growing catnip indoors is a great way to provide your cat with the pampering she needs. As long as you keep the temperature between 60°F and 70°F, you should be able to successfully grow catnip indoors.

You’ll need to start your plants off in small pots until they reach maturity. Once they’ve reached maturity, transplant them into larger containers.

Keep your plants watered regularly and fertilize them once per month.

Your cat will appreciate the fresh catnip you grow for her. She’ll be delighted to find out that you took the time to grow it yourself.

What Is A Catnip?

What Is A Catnip?

Catnip is a common name for Nepeta cataria, a perennial herb native to Europe and Asia. It was introduced to North America in the early 1800s and became very popular among cats. Today, catnip is still used as a natural remedy for anxiety and insomnia in humans.

Catnip is not just for cats. It’s a calming herb that makes an awesome tea and adds flavor to salad and savory dishes. It’s a mild sedative for human beings, operating quite similarly to Chamomile.

This herb produces tiny, unassuming white flowers. Like Mint, catnip growth depends on the pot it is in; plants will grow into their pots and eventually outgrow them if left unchecked.

Although the plant is perennial, most people choose to start a fresh one every year to keep the size under control. Growing catnip inside is an easy undertaking and one that all cat lovers should consider. It will spare you cash, and you’ll be number one in your kitty’s life, at least for a while.

Why Do Cats Love Catnip So Much?

Why Do Cats Love Catnip So Much?

Catnip is a relaxing herb that makes a great herbal tea and adds flavor to salad and savory dishes. It is a mild sedative that operates quite similarly to chamois. Catnip is used to treat insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress, headaches, nausea, motion sickness, and menstrual cramps.

It is also known as catmint because it looks like a cross between mint and cat fur. It is a member of the mint family and is native to Europe and Asia. It was brought to North America during colonial times and became a common garden plant.

This herb produces tiny, unassuming white flowers that look like miniature daisies. Unlike most plants, catnip doesn’t produce any fruit or seeds. Instead, it reproduces through its roots. As long as there is enough light and water, catnip will continue to grow indefinitely.

Growing catnip indoors is simple and inexpensive. You don’t need special equipment or soil; simply place the seeds directly into a small pot and let nature do the rest. Once established, you can move the plant outside if desired.

It requires low maintenance once it is established. Water regularly but sparingly, and fertilize every two weeks. Remove spent leaves and dead stems periodically to encourage healthy growth.

If you’d like to try growing catnip yourself, visit our website to learn more about how to grow catnip indoors. We’ve included some helpful tips and resources to assist you along the way.

Steps To Plant Catnips

Steps To Plant Catnips

Catnip is a perennial herb that grows wild throughout North America. You can buy catnip seeds online or at your local home and garden store. Sow them directly in the ground in early spring or late summer. Be sure to water them well during their germinating period, which lasts up 10 days.

Once they’ve sprouted, move them outside where they’ll get plenty of light. Keep them watered regularly until they reach four to five inches (10.2 to 12.7 cm). Then transplant them into larger airtight containers or the garden.

Select Your Planting Site

Make sure there isn’t anything else growing nearby that might block out the sun. Also, keep in mind that catnip seedlings need plenty of water during dry spells. Water regularly to prevent drought stress.

You can also grow an indoor plant indoors. Just remember that indoor cats may not enjoy the smell of catnip. So, if you plan to give your catnip away, consider giving them a small bag of dried catnip instead.

A container is another option. Choose a large enough container to hold at least two handfuls of catnip. Place the container in a sunny spot and water regularly. As long as you provide adequate moisture, catnip should thrive.

Support, Depth, And Spacing

Space catnip plants at least 18 inches apart in the herb garden, positioning them at the same depth they grew in their previous containers. Lightly cover seeds in the soil, and lightly water until germination occurs. Once germinated, keep the soil moist but not wet.

A support structure isn’t usually needed for catnip, but if you’d prefer to plant it in a pot, you can place it in a shallow tray filled with pebbles. Be careful not to overwater, though, since catnip needs only occasional watering once established.

How To Take Care Of Your Catnips?

How To Take Care Of Your Catnips?

Growing catnip from seed is simple. You’ll need a pot big enough to hold the seeds, soil, and water. Then you’ll plant the seeds directly into the soil. Once the plants start growing, you’ll need to keep them watered regularly. 


You can plant seeds directly into the ground, but if you’d prefer to start indoors, try starting seeds in pebbles or small pots and make sure you are not using a poor soil. Once the seedlings sprout, transplant them into larger containers. As soon as the roots begin to show, remove the seedling from its container and place it in a sunny location where it can receive plenty of light.

Temperature & Humidity

Catnip likes cool weather, so if you live somewhere where summertime and winter months temperatures reach 90 degrees F, you may not be able to grow catnip successfully. Catnip thrives in cooler temperatures, so if you live in a warmer climate, you’ll probably find it easier to grow catnip indoors.

Make sure that your catnip plants receive adequate sunlight. A sunny spot near a window is ideal. However, if you live in a cloudy location, you might consider growing your catnip under a light fixture.


You’ll want to keep your catnip watered during its growing season. Catnip needs light shade and well-drained soil. You should only water if the leaves begin to wilt. Don’t let the soil become soggy.


Catnip plants require fertilizer to thrive. Mix some compost into the soil when you plant your catnip seeds to give it a boost. You’ll probably only need to fertilize once every year or two, depending on the weather conditions.


Catnip is pollinated by bees. You’ll notice that there are no bee hives near your catnip plants. Bees are not attracted to catnip, so you won’t find any honeybees buzzing around your catnip plants either. Instead, you’ll find bumblebees, carpenter bees, sweat bees, leafcutter bees, and mason bees. These insects are known to visit catnip plants for nectar and pollen.

How To Harvest Catnip

You can harvest catnip when it blooms. However, it’s best to wait until the plant starts wilting. Then cut off the entire stem or even the whole plant. Hang the stems upside down for drying in a dark place where there is plenty of air circulation. After the stems have dried out, which usually only takes 2-3 weeks, the leaves and blossoms can be crumbled for using.

Catnip is great for making catnip tea, catnip sachets, catnip toys, and more. You can hang the stems upside-down to dry in a dark, dry place where there is plenty air circulation. Once the stems have dried out completely, which usually only takes two to three weeks depending on the weather conditions, the leaves and flowers should be crumbled for use.

Growing Catnip In Pots

Use a container that’s at least 12 inches tall in diameter, preferably glazed clay. Glazed clay containers are ideal because they allow excess soil moisture to drain out through their walls. Plant your catnip at a similar depth it was previously growing in its previous container.

Use a well-draining mixture of pebbles, sand, perlite, and vermiculite. These ingredients work together to provide nutrients and air circulation to the roots of your catnip plants. Add enough water to moisten the mixture thoroughly, and place your catnip seeds in the center of the pot. Cover the pot with plastic wrap and secure it with rubber bands. Keep the pot in a warm location until germination occurs. Once the seeds sprout, remove the plastic wrap and continue to mist the leaves daily. After two weeks, transplant the seedlings into individual pots.


To keep your catnip healthy, trim away any dead or damaged parts of the plant. You should also remove any flowers that start to wither and die. Doing so encourages new growth and helps prevent the plant from spreading.

Cutting back the stems on young catnip plants encourages bushier growth. After the first threat of frost in the autumn, cut back mature catnip plants to just a few feet from the ground. This encourages regrowth in the spring.


You can propagate catnip using two methods: direct seeding and rooting. Direct seeding involves removing a portion of the stem and planting it directly into soil. Rooting involves placing the stem into a container of moistened soilless potting medium. Both techniques work well, but you should try out both methods to determine which works best for you.

To propagate catnip, simply remove a section of stem and place it in a container of moistened potting medium. Keep the container in a warm dry location with bright, indirect light until roots develop. Then transplant the rooted cutting into a larger pot or garden center’s bed.

Potting and Repotting

You may notice that your potted catnip starts to look tired and limp. That’s because it needs to be repotted. As soon as you spot roots growing out of the bottom of the pot, dig it up and replant it in a bigger container. Don’t worry; you won’t damage the root rot system. Just add fresh potting mix and water thoroughly.

Even though your catnip looks great now, it’s still ideal to refresh it with a fresh potting mix every couple of years. That’s because catnip tends to lose its potency over time.


Catnip grows well during the summer months, but if you live somewhere where winters are long and harsh, you may not be able to enjoy the benefits of this herb. Fortunately, there is a solution. You can overwinter your catnip plants indoors by cutting off the tops of the stems and storing them in a cool, dark place until spring. Then replant the cuttings outdoors once temperatures warm up.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Catnip isn’t susceptible to many pests or disease issues. However, if the plant sits in water-logged soil for too long, the roots may rot. You can avoid this problem by placing some garden fencing or stakes near the plant. Also, keep the catnip away from cats, who might try to rub and roll against the leaves and cause stem damage.

What Are The Different Types Of Catnips?

There are two types of catnips: Nepeta cataria and Nepeta parnassica. Both are members of the mint family, Lamiaceae. However, N. cataria is known as lemon catnip and N. parnassica is called Greek catnip.

Lemon catnip is a perennial herb that grows between 1 and 3 feet tall and wide. It has small white flowers that bloom during summer months. Lemon catnip is native to Europe and Asia.

Greek catnip is a biennial herb that grows between 1 foot and 2 feet tall and wide, depending on the variety. It has light pink flowers that bloom during spring and early summer. Greek catnip is native only to Greece.

Both varieties of catnip are used medicinally. They are commonly used to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, headaches, migraines, nausea, motion sickness, muscle spasms, pain relief, rheumatism, stomachaches, and urinary tract infections.

What Is The Difference Between Catnip And Catmints?

Both catnip and catmint have gray-green foliage and square stems. But catmint has a longer bloom cycle and its flowers are purple while those of catnip are mostly white.

Catnip is a plant used to attract cats. While catmint doesn’t attract cats, it is still very beneficial for humans. You can use catmint to repel mosquitoes and flies. It also makes a great addition to any garden.

You can find catnip at most nurseries and gardening stores. It’s available year-round. You can buy seeds online if you’d prefer to start growing your own catnip.

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