Our Guide To Planting Seeds & How Many You Should Plant
If the warmer months are coming around and you’re looking to plant some flowers or herbs, or maybe you’re looking to get a head start on your plants inside this winter, it’s important to make sure you’re planting the right number of seeds per pot.

On average, depending on the plant it is best to put 2-3 seeds per plant pot when planting, this is because overseeding allows germination to happen if a few of the seeds fail to grow, giving your plant more of a chance.
We have discussed in greater depth below exactly what to consider when planting seeds, how to plant them, the easiest flowers and herbs to plant and some tips for taking care of your seedlings while they are in the earlier stages.
Top Factors To Consider When Choosing Number Of Seeds
It is always recommended to plant 2-3 seeds per hole when starting a plant or herb, this is because the extra seeds mean a higher chance your plant will grow, however, there are some other factors to take into account too.
- The type of plant – The 2-3 seed rule does not always apply if you are planting larger foods such as melons or pumpkins, instead you should plant one seed per hole.
- Germination rate – Planting more seeds per hole allows for a better germination rate, some types of plants have different germination fail rates than others so make sure to take this into account. This article may help you better understand germination, read here Do Seeds Need Light To Germinate.
- Seedling selection – Not all seedlings are created equal, some are stronger than others, by planting a few you can get rid of the poor seedlings.
Our Guide To Planting Your First Seeds Indoors
If it’s your first time planting some seeds for herbs or plants inside, then we’ve got some simple steps for you to follow below for success.
What You Need
- Labels.
- Pots.
- Seed starting mix.
How To
- Start by filling up your pot with a starter mix and leave an inch of space at the top.
- You can make a hole in the single plant pot at the centre of the soil and put 2-3 seeds in, mist the soil till it becomes damp but not too wet.
- Label your plant per pot and put a plastic bag loosely over the top, this will help to regulate the humidity.
- To start with you want to keep your seedlings warm and out of light, once they start to sprout, we then suggest putting them in front of a sunny window, you can also remove the plastic bags at this stage. Read more about How Long Do Seeds Take To Sprout?

We also made an article about What Seeds To Start Indoors.
Easiest Plants To Start Seeds With
Starting to grow your herbs or flowers can be overwhelming, so it is best to start with some easy options so that you can gain confidence.
- Morning glories – These plants are vibrant and climb, just make sure you have room for them!
- Cosmos – Cosmos are easy to grow and very cheery, coming in shades of orange and pink.
- Oregano – Great for topping salads and Mexican meals!
- Mint – Best for growing indoors in a container since it can take up a lot of space outside, choose peppermint or spearmint.
- Marigolds – Marigolds come in different fresh seeds according to the colour you want, allowing you to grow these precious seeds unique to you!
- Sunflowers – A staple flower and easy to grow! They are also great for outdoor nature!
Tips For Taking Care Of Your Seedlings
If you’ve just planted your precious seeds for your herb or plant then we’ve got some essential tips for taking care of your fresh seeds to give them the best chance of growing.
- Mist them – Misting your plants in their containers will help them stay hydrated and promote growth without drenching them.
- Transplant – After your herbs or plants have reached two inches tall and grown a couple of leaves you will want to transfer the seed pots over to a larger one with a healthy plant mix for the soil.
- Give air – Once your individual plant’s seeds start to sprout remove the plastic cover and allow the strong plant to grow.
- Thin them – As soon as the starter plants’ seedlings start to grow, you can thin them out by snipping off the weak ones and allowing the strong ones to take more space to grow.
- Give light – Make sure your seedlings are getting enough light, this allows them to become the strongest plant and stops them from stretching when growing.
- Harden them off – When you’re about to take your seedlings outside make sure to harden them first, you can start this off by putting them outside for a few hours each day in a protected spot, increase the length each time until you can leave them outside all day.
Frequently Asked Questions About Number Of Seed Per Pot
Why are my sets of leaves wilting?
A wilting type of seed can come from overwatering or overcrowding your type of seed, this fungus can cause the seeds packs to wilt.
How many hours of light do seedlings need to grow?
Seedlings will need around 10-13 hours of light each day to grow properly.
Can I put more than one plant per pot?
Yes, multiple plants can be planted in one container, just make sure the seed starter pots are big enough.
Should I use plastic seed trays to plant?
Yes, to start your plants you should be using plastic seed trays, then transfer them over to bigger plant pots.

Last Words
Overall, on average, it’s best to plant 2-3 seeds per plant pot, this is so the plants from the seed have more chance of growing, this does not apply to plants like melon or pumpkin, however.
We suggest misting your seeds per hole to hydrate them and always cover them first till they start to sprout plants from seed.
Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
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