What Are Pumpkin Seeds? Can Dogs Eat Them?

Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin seeds! They are actually a great source of protein and fiber for your dog, vital minerals for puppies to grow, magnesium for healthy bone, omega-3 fatty acid content, enough zinc for vision health, and many health benefits as all pet owners should know
Pumpkin seeds are known to help your pup with digestive issues and improve urinary health. For instance, if your dog is constipated, pumpkin seeds can help ease the pain. They also help eliminate parasites and reduce inflammation in the stomach. In addition, pumpkin seeds are packed with antioxidants, which can help prevent cancer in dogs and should be the diet staple for your dogs amidst regular food.
While they’re good for your dog, they should still be given in moderation. If your dog has eaten too many pumpkin seeds, watch out for diarrhea or an upset stomach
Do pumpkin seeds benefit dog’s health

Pumpkin seeds are a great addition to your dog’s daily diet. They can help provide important nutrients and antioxidants, which can aid in the prevention health risk and diseases like cancer and heart disease. Here is why pumpkin seed is a key ingredient when feeding your dog especially if you want health benefits for dogs.
High in Magnesium
Pumpkin seeds are also high in magnesium and poses huge benefits for dogs. It is an essential mineral that helps dogs maintain healthy bone density, bone strength, proper bone growth as well as keep their muscles and nerves functioning properly. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels so your dog doesn’t get too low or too high.
High in omega-3 fatty acids
The oil from pumpkin seeds is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and help prevent some forms of cancer. It also contains vitamins A and E, which are excellent antioxidants that help protect against damage done by free radicals (which can cause cell damage).
Great source of protein
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein for dogs that need extra calories due to illness or injury (or just being overweight!). They’re also rich in zinc—a mineral that helps heal damaged tissue—and iron—which transports oxygen throughout the body, which makes it a key ingredient to improve any canine health
Contains phytosterols
Pumpkin seeds also contain phytosterols (or plant sterols), which can help lower bad cholesterol levels by preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. This may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke in humans as well as dogs.
Helps fight diarrhea
One of the benefits of pumpkin seeds is that pumpkin seeds can help fight against conditions like constipation and diarrhea
Pumpkin seeds are a nutritious and delicious snack for you, but did you know they can also help your dog?
Adding pumpkin seeds to your dog’s food is an easy way to help with constipation and diarrhea. This can be especially helpful during the holiday season when there may be more table scraps around!
For dogs under 10 pounds, give them 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin seeds once a day. For dogs between 10 and 50 pounds, give them 1/2 teaspoon of pumpkin seeds once a day. For dogs who weigh more than 50 pounds, give them 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seeds once a day.
Helps fight bladder infections and urinary infections
Pumpkin seeds may help with bladder infections, urinary infections and cure kidney issues in your dogs e.g. kidney stones.
When your dog has a bladder infection or urinary health issues, you want to help them feel better as soon as possible. One way to fight against these conditions is by putting pumpkin seeds in their meal. In terms of benefits for your dog’s urinary tract health, pumpkin seeds contain compounds called cucurbitins that may help rid the body of intestinal parasites to improve intestinal health and cure urinary tract infections. Pumpkin seeds also have diuretic properties that can help reduce water retention. Since an overactive bladder is a common problem for dogs.
How to feed your dog pumpkin seeds

If you are looking for healthy foods for your dog, pumpkin seeds are a great treat for dogs. They’re full of healthy fats and protein, which makes them a great alternative to other treats like chocolate or cheese.
They’re also a good way to get your dog to eat their veggies, as they’re high in fiber and low in calories—perfect if your dog has a sensitive stomach or is trying to lose weight!
Here’s how you can feed pumpkin seeds to your pup:
- First off, check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog pumpkin seeds. Not all dogs are able2 digest them safely.
- Start out by offering small amounts of pumpkin seeds—just a few at a time—and monitor your dog’s reaction to them for at least 24 hours before increasing serving sizes further. If there are any negative side effects (like diarrhea), discontinue use immediately and consult with your vet about alternatives that might be better suited for your pup’s needs instead!
- Store pumpkin seeds in an airtight container in the fridge so that they don’t go bad before they’re eaten up by curious little noses!
- You can also try mixing pumpkin seeds with other foods that your dog enjoys (such as plain yogurt) to make them more appealing. If your dog doesn’t like the taste at first, keep trying until they get used to it—it might take a few weeks!
How to remove pumpkin seeds

How to remove pumpkin seeds:
1. Cut the pumpkin flesh in half and scoop out the seeds. Rinse the seeds under cold water.
2. Lay them on a paper towel, place another paper towel on top, and press down firmly with your hand to dry them.
3. Remove any pulp that remains on the seed by rubbing it with a dry paper towel or wiping it off with a damp cloth (the wet cloth will make the seeds slimy).
4. Lay out the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper and bake at 200°F for about 1 hour or until dry and crisp, flipping once or twice during cooking time if desired for even drying – this process is known as “roasting.”
While pumpkin seed benefits your dogs, too many can give him an upset stomach or cause him to become overweight.
When feeding your dog pumpkin seeds you need to be careful about how much you feed him because too many can cause diarrhea or weight gain due to their high fat content (about 50%). If your dog has any allergies or sensitivities then it would be best not to feed him any at all since they can cause allergic reactions in some people. Pumpkin seeds also contain a lot of fiber which may cause bloating if eaten in large quantities over time.
Raw pumpkin seeds are better that cooked or roasted pumpkin seeds

In a study of raw pumpkin seeds compared to roasted pumpkin seeds, researchers found that the raw seeds were more beneficial.
- The study concluded that “the nutritional value of raw and fresh pumpkin seed is higher than that of the roasted seed.”
- Raw seeds are more nutritious in general and contain higher levels of essential fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidants.
- Raw seeds also have a less intense flavor than roasted seeds, which is important for some people who find the taste too strong.
- Additionally, eating raw seeds can be better for dogs with digestive issues. Eating too many roasted pumpkin seeds can lead to indigestion, while raw seeds have not been linked to any digestive problems.
There’s something to be said for the power of good nutrition. By adding pumpkin seeds and little pumpkin flesh to your puppy’s diet, you can help him stay as healthy as possible. Ideally, you’ll want to make pumpkin a portion of his regular diet, rather than just a special treat you give him every now and then. In other words, consistency is key. It shouldn’t take long before your puppy reacts positively to the new addition to his daily diet—and it probably won’t take long for you to notice a difference, either.
Moreover, it would help if you also read our article where we thoroughly answered can dogs eat watermelon seeds or not.
Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
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