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Does Caramel Have Dairy?

Does Caramel Have Dairy?

Does Caramel Have Dairy? Caramel doesn’t actually have any milk products in it. However, if you eat a lot of caramel, you may notice that you start craving cheese. Cheese is made from milk, so it makes sense that eating lots of caramel might cause you to crave cheese. Does caramel have dairy? No, it… Read More »Does Caramel Have Dairy?

Is Caramel Vegan? Find Out Here!

Is Caramel Vegan? Find Out Here!

Is Caramel Vegan? Caramel is one of the sweetest syrup-based foods and a favorite in many desserts. But did you know that caramel can be made without dairy or eggs? There are several different types of vegan caramel recipes out there! But the big question is: is caramel a vegan option? The answer to this… Read More »Is Caramel Vegan? Find Out Here!