Is Xanthan Gum Vegan?

Xanthan gum is used in many foods, including bread, cookies, cakes, ice cream, salad dressings, sauces, soups, and yogurt. Because it’s derived from corn, it’s considered a safe and natural alternative to gelatin. However, there are still some people who believe that xanthan gum isn’t vegan.
So what does xanthan gum mean? It means that the product was made without any animals being involved. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the product is 100% vegan though. Some manufacturers may add common ingredients that come from animals, such as milk proteins, eggs, honey, fish oil, etc., to their products.
That said, most people don’t realize that xanthan gum is not only vegan, but also gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free, egg-free, dairy-free, GMO-free, and kosher. So it’s definitely worth giving it a try!
What Is Xanthan Gum?

Xanthan gum is used in foods and beverages as a stabilizing agent. It’s commonly found in ice creams, candies, chewing gums, and sauces. Because it acts as a thickening agent, it’s especially helpful in baking recipes. It has been listed as a safe food additive in the world since the 1960s.
You’ll find it in gluten-free baked foods because it provides the structure of food and binds dry ingredients together. Without xanthan gum, gluten-free baked goods wouldn’t hold their shape and wouldn’t work properly.
Because it works so well, you’ll find it in almost every non-vegan food as a food thickener and beverage that requires a thickening agent.
What Causes Xanthan Gum To Usually Be Vegan?

Xanthan gum is usually classified as vegan because it doesn’t come from animal sources. However, it does come from plants, specifically simple sugar-cane broth. Plant-based Sugar cane isn’t considered a meat source. So, if you eat anything made with xanthan gum, you should be fine.
However, many vegans don’t consider the status of xanthan gum to be vegan because it uses enzymes derived from chicken eggs. These enzymes are used to treat the otherwise vegan xantham gum broth. While it’s true that xanthan gums contain enzymes, they do not come from chickens. Instead, they come from a bacterium called Bacillus subtilis. Because the bacterium is not an animal, it doesn’t count against the definition of being vegan.
So, if you’re concerned about whether your favorite food items are vegan, just ask yourself if they contain xanthan gum. If the answer is yes, then you’re safe. Otherwise, you might want to start using a different brand of xanthan gum instead!
Vegan Foods That May Contain Xanthan Gum

Current Xanthan gum is used in a wide variety of plant-based foods including bread, cookies, crackers, cereals, dairy products, dressings, sauces, soups, snacks, and yogurt. Some examples of foodstuffs containing xanthan gum include:
Bakery Products
Xanthan gum is used in bakery products to thicken dough, stabilize batters, and add elasticity to cookies. It’s an essential active ingredient in gluten-free baking.
Most commercially available xanthan gum is derived from bacteria grown in fermentation tanks. However, several types of xanthan gum are made using plants instead of microorganisms. Some of these plant-based gums include guar gum, locust bean gum, kappa carrageenan, and tara gum. These plant-derived gums are not only vegan, but they may also have health benefits compared to traditional xanthan gum.
Egg Substitutes
There are plenty of egg substitutes available today. Some are made from plant sources, while others are derived from animal products. Several types of egg replacers are used in baking and cooking. However, not all egg replacements are created equal. Some may work well in certain recipes, while others might not perform at all.
Frozen Foods
Xanthan gum is used in many foods, including frozen ones. However, not all types of xanthan gum are vegan. Some brands of xanthan gum include animal ingredients, such as gelatin. If you’re concerned about using xanthan gum in your vegan recipes, there are several options available.
You can try substituting another thickener, such as agar flakes or tapioca starch, instead of xanthan gum. Or, if you’d prefer to avoid any thickeners at all, you can simply omit them from your recipe altogether.

Xanthan gum is used in soy milk products, including soy ice cream, yogurt, pudding, margarine, salad dressings, sauces, soups, and more. Some brands of soy milk may include xanthan gum as part of their production process.
You can also find it in cocktails and other drinks. Xanthan Production gum is added to alcoholic beverages to thicken their consistency, add viscosity, and give them a thicker creamy texture. You’ll find it in rum, vodka, gin, tequila, whiskey, liqueurs, cordials, and others.
Salad Dressings And Sauces
Xanthan gum is used in salad dressings and sauces, especially those made without dairy products. Xanthan gum is a natural food additive derived from carbohydrates produced by bacteria. It thickens liquids and stabilizes emulsions.
Xanthan gum comes from the fermentation of carbohydrates using the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris. Because the process produces large quantities of gas during the fermentation, the resulting product must be dried and ground into powder before being sold.
There are several types of spreads available today. Some are made using soybean oil, others are made using coconut oil, and still, others are made using olive oil. All of these spread options are great choices if you’re trying to eat healthier. However, not all of them are vegan.
Vegetable Patties
Xanthan gum is used in a lot of food products, including veggie burgers to prevent the patty from crumbling apart. However, not all types of xanthan gum are created equal. Some brands may contain animal gelatin, which isn’t vegan. You should avoid any product containing animal gelatin if you are interested in being vegan.
Syrups And Toppings
Xanthan gum is used to thicken syrups and toppings. You may have seen it listed as a non-vegan source ingredient on food labels. However, there are several alternatives available to replace it.
Some several vegan-friendly syrups and toppers are thickened without any animal products. Try adding these to your next batch of homemade ice cream, pudding, or frozen yogurt.
Try making your dairy-free syrups and topping instead of relying on store-bought versions. You’ll save money and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
On my blog you'll find info & cool facts along with recipes, all on gluten free foods!