Does A Gluten Free Diet Help With Inflammation?
We see a lot of articles discussing the potential benefits of gluten-free diets, and not without reason.
A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that gluten consumption leads to an increase in inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein, IL-6) and decreased antioxidant status (glutathione) in the body.
Many people with Celiac disease, a severe autoimmune disorder triggered by the consumption of gluten, often find that following a gluten-free diet or eating anti-Inflammatory Foods can help them feel better, keep their weight down, and find relief from their symptoms.
A Gluten-free diet helps with inflammation. A gluten-free diet is the only medically accepted treatment for person with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder.
Healthy gluten-free diet is also beneficial for other diseases and disorders such as inflammatory bowel diseases, cardiovascular disease ,chronic disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and autism, as well as other health problems whenever inflammation forms.
A gluten-free diet is a diet which excludes gluten, a composite of proteins found in wheat and related grains, including barley and rye.
Does Gluten Cause Inflammation?
In the last few months, a plethora of articles have come out claiming that eating gluten causes inflammation throughout the body.
Many of these articles are from studies that use animal models that are not humans, while others are from observational studies that cannot control for other factors.
Yes, gluten can cause inflammation, but not because it’s gluten.
Gluten has been shown to increase intestinal permeability, which allows larger protein molecules into the body and, upon entering, can cause the immune system to react.
Gluten, an ingredient in many packaged foods, is used to provide elasticity and texture. However, some people are sensitive to gluten and experience symptoms of inflammation after eating foods containing gluten.
Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and some other grains.
Some people are intolerant to gluten, and when they consume it, their bodies react almost exactly as if they are sick.
The symptoms of gluten intolerance include headaches, joint pain, fatigue, and other disorders.
Gluten—a mixture of proteins found in wheat, barley, and rye—is classified as a “prolamine”, a type of protein that is hard to digest and cause inflammation in the stomach.
Gluten causes our body to release natural substances called “cytokines”, which trigger inflammation.
Inflammation is a common inflammatory condition, which causes redness, pain, swelling, and irritation in the joints and muscles. It occurs when our bodies are injured or become infected.
Benefits Of Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Healthy diet plays an important part in the fight against age-related inflammation.
High-inflammatory diets, such as that high in red meats, junk food, processed foods, refined sugar, refined carbs and other stress-busting foods are linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.
It is an alternative diet that’s low in saturated fats and processed foods, and instead provides plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
The benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet include:
- The anti-inflammatory diet is a diet designed to help the body to maintain a healthy inflammatory balance.
- The anti-inflammatory diet is a style of eating that can help reduce anxiety, help relieve headache, relieve painful inflammation, and improve your digestion.
- Lessen the risk for celiac disease and ease the pain for chronic inflammation and age-related inflammation.
- A diet rich in gluten-free foods is helpful in reduction of inflammation.
It’s no secret that people who have Celiac disease or any similar gluten intolerance are on a constant diet search. Gluten-free products are pricey and the options are limited.
Though it’s always a good idea to read labels, there are a few foods that are gluten-free even if they don’t have the label. Some of these foods are honey, coffee, and corn meal.
Check out this article Is The Paleo Diet Gluten Free And Dairy Free?
Anti-Inflammatory Whole Foods
Anti-inflammatory diets have exploded in popularity over the past few years. It seems like everyone is trying to take advantage of the anti-inflammatory diet trend.
The Anti-Inflammatory Whole Foods are a healthy substitute for food items in your diet that help reduce inflammation and help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
They contain a unique ratio of Omega-3s (Flax seeds, Fish Oil, Hemp Seeds) and omega-6 fatty acids that are crucial to a healthy diet.
It is proven also that chia seeds are good for inflammation. Read this article, Are Chia Seeds Good For You?
This diet is loaded with food products that fight inflammation—kale, garlic, butter, olive oil, broccoli, blueberries, etc.
While the anti-inflammatory diet is an impressive way to boost your health, it is not a magic bullet.
The reason that you are experiencing inflammation in your body is because bad stuff is happening in your body.
The cause of inflammation is usually a result of a process called oxidation. Oxidation is the process in which oxygen reacts with other molecules.
Oxidation is a natural process that keeps our body and all its cells alive.
Good to know: Can You Eat Couscous On A Gluten Free Diet?
What Is The Fastest Way To reduce Inflammation In The Body
Inflammation is a natural and normal response of the body to injury and infection, but it can be overzealous.
Inflammation is a condition that occurs when the body’s tissue is damaged by outside agents (like bacteria) or by the body itself, such as the removal of a skin graft.
While it may sound like a minor problem, inflammation can lead to a host of issues, including a host of health conditions (from arthritis and asthma to heart disease).
The best way to reduce inflammation in the body is to eat healthy foods and not eat fast food.
The fastest way to reduce inflammation in the body is to eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
This helps your body fight inflammation by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory compounds by your cells.
These omega-3 fatty acids also help make your cells more flexible, which will help your body repair itself more effectively.
What type of foods you eat has a direct impact on how your body responds. Foods that promote inflammation in the body are the worst (and most common) culprits.
Processed foods and sugar are to blame, but also the modern lifestyle, lack of exercise, stress, sedentary behaviors, and other factors can all contribute to inflammation.
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Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
On my blog you'll find info & cool facts along with recipes, all on gluten free foods!