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How To Make Healthy Flaxseed Tea (2 Recipes And More) – Read Here!

How To Make Healthy Flaxseed Tea (2 Recipes And More) - Read Here!

How To Make Healthy Flaxseed Tea

How To Make Healthy Flaxseed Tea

There are many ways to consume flaxseed, but tea is one of the most simple ways to get its many health benefits.

In this article, we’ll discuss more about flaxseeds and teach you how to make basic flaxseed tea and infused flaxseed tea.

Introduction To Flax Seeds

Introduction To Flax Seeds

Flax seeds, also known as linseeds are tiny, brownish seeds that grow inside flax plants. 

Flax seeds are nutritious, healthy, and delicious. They’re rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, quality protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. They’re also gluten-free and contain no cholesterol.

Many use Flax seeds as a dietary supplement because they contain lignans, which may help prevent cancer and heart disease. In fact, flax seeds are considered a superfood because they’re packed with nutrients and offer many health benefits.

Flax seeds come in two forms: whole and ground. Whole flax seeds are simply raw flax seeds. Ground flax seeds are processed to remove the outer shell and oil. Both types of flax seeds are available at most grocery stores.

The main difference between ground and whole flax seeds is that whole flax seeds are not processed. Therefore, they retain their nutritional value and taste better than ground flax seeds.

Flax seeds can be added to smoothies, salads, soups, and baked goods. They can also be sprinkled on top of oatmeal or yoghurt.

Flax seeds are available at most grocery stores. 

Flaxseed Tea Recipes

Flaxseed Tea Recipes

Basic Flaxseed or Linseed Tea


  • 2 tbsp flaxseed or linseed
  • 4 cups of water


  1. Mix the flaxseed or linseed and water in a medium saucepan and place on medium heat.
  2. Simmer the mixture for 20 minutes. Be sure not no allow it to boil.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat before it boils. 
  4. Cover the pan and allow it to sit and steep for 12 hours or overnight.
  5. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat the next day.
  6. When simmering, lower the heat to the lowest setting and allow the mixture to cook for an hour.
  7. Remove from heat after an hour and serve. You can strain the flaxseeds.

Infused Flaxseed Tea


  • 1 tsp flaxseeds
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 teabag of your preference (ginger, peppermint, etc.)


Prepare the flaxseed

  1. Mix the flaxseed or linseed and water in a medium saucepan and place on medium heat.
  2. Boil for a while and simmer the mixture for 20 minutes. 
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat before it boils. 
  4. Cover the pan and allow it to sit and steep for 12 hours or overnight.

Infuse it into the tea

  1. After steeping for 12 hours or overnight, strain the flaxseed mixture.
  2. Make your tea as usual but only fill the mug halfway with hot water 
  3. While the tea is brewing, fill the remaining half of the mug with the flaxseed mixture. 
  4. Mix the hot tea and the flaxseed mixture well.
  5. Serve immediately.


There are two ways to make flaxseed tea.

One is simmering and steeping it for 12 hours or overnight.

And the other is boiling and simmering it for 20 to 30 minutes and then straining it.

The second method will not be as rich as the first.

The tea should be a bit thick and have a nutty taste.

You can add honey or cinnamon to your tea for added flavor. 

Find out here more Flax Seed Recipes For Breakfast!

Flax Seeds Health Benefits

Flax Seeds Health Benefits

Flaxseed is a good source of many nutrients, including fibre, protein and copper.

It also contains:

  • Calories
  • Carbs
  • Fat
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6
  • Iron
  • Folate 

It is also high in thiamine which helps the immune system, brain function, digestion, cardiovascular health, and is essential for metabolism. 

First on the list and maybe the most known benefit of flaxseed is its ability to help manage weight due to its soluble fibre that helps you feel full for longer. 

Flaxseed is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce inflammation and decrease cholesterol levels and the risk of heart diseases. 

It also helps with lowering blood pressure and stabilizing blood sugar levels. 

It’s also rich in lignans which have cancer-fighting properties.

Storing Flaxseed tea

Storing Flaxseed tea

You can safely store flaxseed tea in a covered or airtight container in the fridge for two days.

You may want to heat up the mixture of flaxseed in tea pot or saucepan before serving. 

Other Flaxseed Recipe

Flaxseed Pancakes


1 cup flaxseed meal 

4 eggs, beaten

1/3 cup unsweetened milk of your choice

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/8 tsp. salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp lemon juice


sweetener of your choice

toppings of your choice


1. Combine all the ingredients. Include your preferred sweetener if you want. 

Add more liquid or water if the batter is too thick.

2. Place a skillet over medium heat and put a little bit of cooking spray or cooking oil.

3. Once the pan is heated and oiled, pour about 1/4 cup batter and form them into circles. 

4. Let the pancakes cook for about 2 to 3 minutes per side. Just like traditional pancakes, you know they’re ready to flip when the edges are firmer, and the bubbles begin to burst.

5. Once cooked on both sides, plate your pancakes and serve immediately. If you want, you can also add toppings like extra sliced fruit, nut butter, yoghurt, syrup, or a drizzle of maple syrup or your sweetener of choice.

6. Enjoy!

Final Words

In conclusion, flaxseed tea is a great choice of delicious drink.

Consumption of flaxseed tea has many health benefits. Plus, it tastes great!

Try it today and see if you like it!

Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
On my blog you'll find info & cool facts along with recipes, all on gluten free foods!

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