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Amy Toliver

Hey'all I'm Amy, a born foodie and diagnosed with celiac disease 7 years ago. I refused to cave into tasteless, boring gulten free food and create my own!
On my blog you'll find info & cool facts along with recipes, all on gluten free foods!

Is caramel gluten free?

Is caramel gluten free? Read Here!

Does Caramel Contain Gluten? – Our Guide! If you’re looking to make a caramel dessert or maybe add this sweet treat to your baked goods, you might be wondering if the caramel is gluten free?  Caramel is gluten free since its ingredients are just water, sugar, vanilla, salt and milk, however, some pre-packaged sauces or… Read More »Is caramel gluten free? Read Here!

Is Maple Syrup Gluten Free?

Is Maple Syrup Gluten Free?

Is Maple Syrup Gluten Free? Maple syrup is made from sugar extracted from maple trees. Because it is made from sugar, and no grains, it is naturally gluten-free. However, some brands of maple syrup contain small amounts of wheat flour, which may be hidden in the ingredients list. If you want to avoid gluten, then… Read More »Is Maple Syrup Gluten Free?

Is Olive Oil Gluten Free?

Is Olive Oil Gluten Free? Read Here

For average people, olive oil can be ideal for cooking. However, gluten sensitive people have to take more caution with the common ingredients they use in everyday meals, including quality oils used for frying, texturing, or marinating basic recipes. Is olive oil gluten free? Yes! All olive oil types and olive oil products are considered… Read More »Is Olive Oil Gluten Free? Read Here